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Flight Distances


Flight Time




FlightMemory Poster

In Miles915,490
In Kilometer1,473,339
Earth Circumnavigation 36.76 time(s)
Distance to the Moon3.833 time(s)
Distance to the Sun0.0098 time(s)
Hours  2002:19
Months 2.78
Total number of flights  503
Intra-continental w/o domestic 45
Other flights111

Longest Flight (Distance): 13,036 km, 15:40 h, San Francisco (International) - Dubai (International), 04-03-2015
Longest Flight (Duration):16:00 h, 13,036 km, Dubai (International) - San Francisco (International), 04-25-2015
Shortest Flight:  6 km, 0:00 h, Watsonville (Monterey Bay Academy) - Watsonville (Watsonville Municipal Airport), 02-03-2016
Average per Flight: 2,929 km, 3:59 h

Domestic Flights


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Top Ten Airports

#Airport Amount %
1 SJC San Jose  134  13.3 %
2 SFO San Francisco  117  11.6 %
3 ORD Chicago  38  3.8 %
4 LAX Los Angeles  30  3.0 %
5 DEN Denver  22  2.2 %
6 LHR London  19  1.9 %
7 NRT Tokyo  19  1.9 %
8 SEA Seattle  19  1.9 %
9 SLC Salt Lake City  18  1.8 %
10 FRA Frankfurt  18  1.8 %

Top Ten Airlines

#Airline Amount %
1 Alaska Airlines  31  6.2 %
2 United Airlines  31  6.2 %
3 American  29  5.8 %
4 Delta Air Lines  23  4.6 %
5 Southwest Airlines  17  3.4 %
6 Lufthansa  15  3.0 %
7 US Airways  10  2.0 %
8 Swiss  9  1.8 %
9 British Airways  7  1.4 %
10 Air Canada  7  1.4 %

Top Ten Aircraft

#Airplane Amount %
1 Airbus 320  16  3.2 %
2 Boeing 737-900  11  2.2 %
3 Boeing 737-800  9  1.8 %
4 Boeing 777  7  1.4 %
5 Airbus 321  7  1.4 %
6 McDonnell Douglas-80  6  1.2 %
7 Boeing 767  6  1.2 %
8 Boeing 747-400  6  1.2 %
9 Boeing 737-300  6  1.2 %
10 CRJ-700  5  1.0 %

Top Ten Routes

#FlightPath Amount %
1 SLC-SJC  9  1.8 %
2 SJC-SLC  9  1.8 %
3 SJC-DEN  8  1.6 %
4 SJC-LAX  7  1.4 %
5 DEN-SJC  7  1.4 %
6 SFO-YVR  6  1.2 %
7 LAX-SJC  6  1.2 %
8 ORD-SJC  6  1.2 %
9 ORD-SFO  5  1.0 %
10 SJC-LAS  5  1.0 %

Additional Data

Total Airports 174
Total Airlines 60
Total Aircraft type  57
Total Airplanes 1
Total Routes 339
Total Countries 48
Total Continents 6

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Toys - Airport Play Mat for Children 41x31.5 inch
Airport Play Mat for Children 41x31.5 inch
Airplane Model - Air France - Boeing 777-300ER - 1/200
Air France - Boeing 777-300ER - 1/200
Airplane Model - Lauda Air - Boeing 767-300ER - 1/200
Lauda Air - Boeing 767-300ER - 1/200